September 1, 2020

Yesterday was a FIVE Arrow Day.

94% of Fatalities Attributable to Comorbidity Factors

Good Morning,

Yesterday was a FIVE Green Arrow Day; below are the particulars for that day.

The CDC recently reported that only 6% of all COVID 19 deaths did not involve underlying conditions. On average, per their website, there were 2.6 additional conditions, otherwise referred to as comorbidity.

Wikipedia explains comorbidity: Comorbidity describes the effect of all other conditions an individual patient might have other than the primary condition of interest, and can be physiological or psychological.

We have published several newsletters regarding multiple underlying conditions contributing to the fatality rate of the virus. The CDC lists some of those preexisting conditions, including; pneumonia, respiratory failure, diabetes, hypertensive disease, and others. We believe the CDC could have taken the study a step or two further by linking those conditions to those patients’ prescription drugs. In other words, terms like diabetes and hypertensive disease are broad enough to prescribe different medications based on the severity of those comorbidity maladies.

Once that study and results are published, policymakers could use a laser-like approach to warn those at the highest risk. Of course, we would also suggest “Force Ranking” individuals into several risk categories. Below is the “Forced Ranking” graph we published along with a detailed description of how to derive the risk categories, on June 16, 2020.

Forced Ranking (FR):

This pie chart forces one to classify health conditions in risk categories. We know that 3.0% of those that contracted the virus died and their specific health conditions (i.e., age, weight, diabetic status, et cetera). What were those particular conditions? A process would ensue until the specific health traits would equal 5% of the US population, and then be identified as “high risk.” Then the next level (moderate risk), the one after that and so on. Public reporting should match these risk groups. For example, there were 100 deaths today, and all but one were in the high-risk category.

August 25 Green Arrows

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